Friday, September 13, 2024
HomeFinanceEPF Pension Benefits: Eligibility, Amount of Pension, and Other Information

EPF Pension Benefits: Eligibility, Amount of Pension, and Other Information

Pension payments to EPF subscribers and their nominees and family members are included in the new scheme .

Subscribers who have served for ten years or longer and retire after turning fifty-eight years of age are eligible for pensions. On the other hand, even if an EPF subscriber has not retired, he or she is eligible for a pension if they have reached the age of 58. It is important to keep in mind that the amount of pension is determined by two main factors: the number of years that contributions have been made to the pension and the average sala Here, you can access the ‘EDLI & Pension Calculator’. But prior to this, you may want to explore ‘how to use a pension calculator’ on the same webpage.  When you click the EDLI & pension calculator, you are taken to a new webpage where you can enter inputs to find out the pension amount ry during the 60 months prior to retirement.

Remember that EPF subscribers are entitled to a pension when they have spent a minimum of 10 years in the service. If they have spent 20 years or longer, they are entitled to a two-year bonus, too.

And when a subscriber retires after the age of 50 but before 58, s/he can claim pension at lower rates.

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