Written by 6:07 pm News, Event

Experiences Launches NEXA Music Season 3 at Snowball Studios with a Star-Studded Lineup

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The NEXA Music Season 3 launch party, which featured a lineup of artists including A. R. Rahman, Raja Kumari, Arjun Kanungo, and KING, was recently executed by 4/4 Experiences. The event took place at Mumbai’s Snowball Studios and celebrated music and creativity.

Lighting by Vinayak Lights and audio support from Audio Dimensionz improved the stage presence, while photography by Foucusmonk captured the mood. The seamless security and housekeeping provided by Omkara Facility Services LLP and Abinav Facility Services – AFS, respectively, contributed to the success of the event. The skilled fabrication of Dk Production enhanced the event’s aesthetic appeal and provided a suitable environment for the presentations and performances.

Nisa Shetty, Shruti Dhasmana, Nitesh Aher, Niyati Mehta, Brecilla, Sunep A. Jamir, Maanuni Desai, and Psychic Magicians were among the performers at the event. Janice Sequeira was the master of ceremonies. A sneak peek at the forthcoming music releases from NEXA Music Season 3 was provided to the attendees.

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