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Family Fitness and Health Day

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Today’s kids face all-time highs for obesity and avoidable illnesses like Type II Diabetes and hypertension, which are partly due to a decline in physical activity. Using parks encourages children to walk more, which helps them fight these diseases and live longer in the long run.

Active children have higher brain activity levels and a 20% higher chance of receiving an A in math or English.
Numerous studies have demonstrated the negative effects of being cut off from nature on human growth, health, and happiness and the necessity of regular exposure to nature for mental wellness.Visit your neighborhood park or trail for a stroll; even something as basic as a daily stroll can contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Family Health & Fitness Day is an annual event that the NRPA sponsors on the second Saturday in June. This unique day aims to raise awareness of the value of parks and leisure activities, as well as their part in maintaining a healthy and active community.

Would you like to take part? To help celebrate, take part in any of the following events (bonus points for events held in one of our fantastic parks or recreation areas.

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