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Monsoon Season Health Guide

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Every person is different regarding how seasonal weather changes affect them; some people have immune systems and can withstand changes in the weather without experiencing any health problems, while others experience viral fevers and other related problems. Depending on the area, India’s monsoon season typically lasts from June to August. During this time, various viral infections—diseases spread by water, air, and vectors can arise.

Dr. Paritosh Baghel, Senior Consultant-Internal Medicine at SL Raheja Hospital in Mahim, explained to HT Lifestye in an interview that viral infections that arise during the monsoon season can be categorised into different groups based on the way they spread.

“As the name suggests, viral infections are infections caused by various types of viruses,” disclosed Dr. Paritosh Baghel. Any organ system in our body, including the heart, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory tract, can be impacted by viruses. Fever is a common viral infection during the monsoon season. The average human body temperature is 37°C, or 98.6°F.

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