Written by 7:33 pm News, Health & Fitness

Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis May Benefit from Yoga

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According to a recent study by AIIMS Delhi, people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may greatly benefit from yoga in terms of their health. This chronic autoimmune disease affects the joints and causes pain. It may also affect other body systems like the heart, lungs, and brain. The advantages of yoga for mental and physical health have long been acknowledged.

In a collaborative study, the Department of Anatomy, the Lab for Molecular Reproduction and Genetics, and the Department of Rheumatology AIIMS examined how yoga might help RA patients in ways that go beyond pain relief by targeting their cells and molecules.

According to a recent announcement from the Ayush ministry, yoga has been shown to control oxidative stress (OS) and cellular damage, thereby reducing inflammation. By controlling pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, raising endorphin levels, reducing cortisol and CRP levels, and controlling melatonin rhythms, it accomplishes this. This aids in breaking the vicious cycle of inflammation and hyperactive immunity. The statement emphasizes how yoga can slow down the molecular aging process of cells. It does this by increasing the activity of genes linked to DNA repair, cell cycle regulation, and the telomerase enzyme. Moreover, yoga is supposed to enhance mitochondrial function, which by increasing energy metabolism and lowering oxidative stress, protects against DNA damage and telomere attrition.

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