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Twelve Individuals were Fired by Wells Fargo After they were Suspected Event of using Phony Keystrokes.

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The pandemic might have freed us from the tyranny of the five-day-a-week office schedule, but it’s becoming more difficult to escape America’s busy work culture.

View this: This week, Wells Fargo revealed that it had let go of over a dozen workers for “simulation of keyboard activity,” Bloomberg said, referencing documents submitted to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Following an investigation into claims that they gave the “impression of active work,” CNN confirmed that a number of people had been fired. Put another way, they were probably using a mouse jiggler that costs $20 online to pretend to be working. Since 2016, Wells has spent billions of dollars settling civil and criminal charges related to a multiyear scheme that led to more than 2 million fake accounts being opened without customers

In any case, a few Wells Fargo bankers were apprehended last month. It’s unclear what they were doing in place of working and whether they were working from home or a beach. A bank representative would only state that “Wells Fargo holds employees to the highest standards and does not tolerate unethical behavior,” declining to provide further information about the terminations.

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