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UAE: Abu Dhabi Customs Law Issued by Sheikh Mohamed

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As Abu Dhabi’s ruler, President Sheikh Mohamed enacted a law reorganizing the General Administration of Abu Dhabi Customs. According to the law, the organization has independent legal personality and is in charge of establishing general guidelines and strategic plans for the emirate’s customs affairs, promoting trade, guaranteeing adherence to customs laws, and assisting in the defense of society against illegal activity.

By applicable legislation, the administration’s primary duties and responsibilities include inspecting and appraising authorized items, collecting taxes, customs duties, and other fees, and managing free zones, free markets, and customs warehouses.

Following applicable legislation, the administration’s primary duties and responsibilities include inspecting and appraising authorized items, collecting taxes, customs duties, and other fees, and managing free zones, free markets, and customs warehouses. The Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development oversees the General Administration of Abu Dhabi Customs, which is also in charge of running the emirate’s customs offices, enforcing customs laws, suggesting the opening or closing of customs offices, and working with the appropriate authorities to limit, forbid, and control the import, export, and transit of specific commodities.

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