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UAE Health Minister Al Owais Claims that Children are the Country’s True Riches

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Emirati Children’s Day is more than just a national holiday, according to Abdulrahman Bin Mohamed Al Owais, Minister of Health and Prevention and Minister of State for Federal National Council Affairs. It is a celebration of a sustainable vision and a sustained dedication to empowering the UAE’s future generation.

According to Al Owais, this event symbolizes the nation’s long-standing strategy, which prioritizes human development as a fundamental tenet that underpins all national strategies. The minister stated that as children are the real riches of the country, helping them should always come first.

In remarks commemorating Emirati Children’s Day, which is celebrated on March 15th every year, he said this year’s theme, “The Right to Identity and National Culture,” is a wonderful fit with the goals of the “Year of Community,” which aims to preserve cultural heritage and foster stronger social ties across generations.

“Every child deserves to grow up with a strong sense of belonging – to know where they come from and to take pride in their roots,” he stated. “Culture isn’t just tradition, it’s identity, memory, and the bridge between generations. He emphasized that the United Arab Emirates has created a comprehensive system that offers a setting where kids feel inspired, safe, and encouraged.

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