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Ascending to Improved Health: The Case for Climbing the Steps

Ascending to Improved Health: The Case for Climbing the Steps

Stair climbing has long been a practical and cost-free method of increasing physical activity. After all, if your home or apartment building has stairs, you can benefit from it without changing into gym attire or even leaving your house. It’s also accessible for people of all ages and abilities. When the StairMaster gained enormous popularity in the 1980s, the exercise even sparked a fitness craze.

But this isn’t rooted in common sense alone. Evidence is piling up that the simple act of climbing stairs and not even that many stairs – can significantly improve your heart health and longevity.

Climbing stairs is associated with a 24% lower risk of early death from any cause and a 39% lower likelihood of death from cardiovascular disease, which includes heart attacks, heart failure, and strokes, according to the most recent analysis of nine studies that followed nearly half a million people. The results, which were not published, were presented in April at the Preventive Cardiology 2024 conference of the European Society of Cardiology. Additional studies have connected frequent stair climbing to a decreased risk of metabolic syndrome, which is a group of illnesses that increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

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