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Netflix’s “Super Rich in Korea”: three Unspoken Financial lessons to Take Away

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This show is about Korea’s ultra-wealthy, so get out your fancy shades. Concerning men who flash their identity cards in order to purchase an apartment for 16 billion won (991,442,000.00 rupees). concerning a lady who will stop at nothing to secure a front-row seat during Paris Fashion Week. Concerning limited-edition designer purses, timepieces, and apparel that’s more meaningless than the Netflix series Dubai Bling.

This song was originally recorded by The Beatles, and it makes you feel bad for David Yong to watch his life fall apart in front of us while he looks all sultry in Celine jackets. He claims his family owns timber companies in Cambodia and other Southeast Asian nations, and he is a Singaporean resident in Korea. He launched an entertainment company in Korea because K-dramas are popular worldwide. He possesses a money counting machine, designer bags in his living room, designer clothes on racks, and he lives in Seoul’s tallest tower.He drives a ferrari, but is turned down at the restaurant because there’s no parking!’ He calls his butler/driver/dog walker to help, but he’s late for a date!

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