Written by 2:16 pm Health & Fitness, News

Are your Fitness GHoals Slipping away? Recognise your Mistakes.

How do you maintain your goal once youve reached it

Every year at the start of January, a flood of fervent resolutions appear. Everyone’s top priorities seem to be reading, travelling, putting their mental health and physical fitness first, and losing weight. When motivation is at its highest, gym memberships always soar. The public is inundated with promises of a fitter lifestyle, a well-defined body, and resilience honed in the gym.

People are not thinking realistically when they set resolutions for the upcoming year. Co-founder of The Quad Raj Ganpath says, “They are thinking of all the great things they can achieve and looking at the new year as a fresh start.” He continues by saying that this holds true for other resolutions besides those connected to fitness. The motivation eventually fades as reality sets in. You realise that you can’t really accomplish what you set out to do because you have work and are stressed and exhausted.

Raj claims that when people are given a fresh start, they frequently bite off more than they can chew out of a delusional sense of motivation. This is due to two factors. “To start, this is motivated by guilt. Since it’s the holiday season from November to the end of the year, people tend to relax and believe that their health and fitness will improve after all of this. The second is that, as the year ends, your stress levels decrease, allowing your motivation levels to peak at the beginning of the year.

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